Friday, January 2, 2015

My First Smart Watch - Pebble Steel

The Apple watch announcement really got me excited. After all I have a lot of Apple products throughout the years.  Most of the time I have extremely good experience from using a Apple product.  Recently, the experience had not gone as well as before (Airport Extreme 5GHz signal dropping, random issues with iPhone 6, ...etc).  Hopefully, it does not signal the start of product quality drop from Apple.

Apple watch sounds all good and everything.  But there is a big problem ... I have not wear a watch for over 4,5 years now.  A watch has not been very useful to me ever since I had my first iPhone.  Will a watch (I know it's a smart watch) be useful to me now?  Based on the rumour, an Apple watch will be at least $350 for the basic model.  For something that I don't know if it'll have a use to me, $350 seems to be a lot of money.  After all, I'm just an average job and I don't have sponsor or demo products send me to try it out ... everything is out of my own packet :(

I decide to get something cheaper as a warm up and a trial to the so called smart watch.   There are a lot of options out there around $100 to $200 (Microsoft Band, Pebble, Misfit, Jawbone, and ...etc)  The options for iPhone are more limited which makes my life a little bit easier.  At the end, I got a Pebble Steel from Kijiji.

The setup for Pebble is easy and quick.  It all starts with download Pebble app from the Apple App Store on my iPhone.
From the Pebble, you can install up to 8 apps or watch faces to your Pebble watch. You can also add as many apps or watch faces to your locker on your phone (only limited to the space on your phone). The locker allows you to install app to your Pebble watch without downloading it again. The watch face that I use the most if the YWeather as you can see from the first photo above.  It gives me a nice general overview of the day (date/time, day of the week, temperature, and weather based on GPS on iPhone).

I have been wearing the Pebble watch for over a month now.  I find it very useful as I don't have to take out my iPhone from my packet as often now.  When there is a notification on my iPhone, I just have to take a quick peak on the Pebble to determine if I need to response right the way or not.  Pebble can display all notifications you get from your phone.  You can adjust the notification selection from the iPhone notification settings.  At work, I usually turn my phone to vibrate only.  When I walk, I can't feel the vibration so I usually don't know people text me or call me.  But now, Pebble vibrates on my wrist, I don't miss any call any more.

Another feature that I know I would like to use on my Pebble is the sleep tracking.  Before Pebble, I used a iOS app called Sleep Cycle.  It was good and gives me a lot of information about my sleep.  But it requires you to place the phone under the bed sheet ... With Pebble, I have tried Misfit and Morpheuz apps to track my sleep so far.  Both of them have advantages and disadvantages.  I will write another detailed blog about those two later.

I also used the alarm on my Pebble.  The silent vibration on my wrist ensures that I won't wake up my wife at 5:40 in the morning ... Yes, I usually wake up at 5:40 to go to work ... I hate it :(

After all, I'm happy with the purchase and I started understand the benefits of having a smart watch.  I have been wearing my Pebble watch 24/7 because of the sleep tracking.  The incredible long batteries of Pebble watch definitely makes it possible.  Now, I'll see if Apple watch is really that much better then my Pebble Steel to make me want to switch :)

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